Everyone want to have a home renovation go smoothly and stay on budget. Even if you work with a general contractor or act as one on your own project, getting a glimpse into the mind of a contractor can give you new perspective into remodelling projects around your home.


  1. Don’t delay decisions. The best way to avoid delays, is to make every single decision before work starts. Good builder can talk you through the list of situations that might come up on your job.
  2. Don’t change your mind (too much). It’s inevitable that you’ll change your mind about something on your project, know this: every time you change your mind, it’ll result a change order. Scheduling can be affected too. Everyone working on the job needs to be informed of change so no one’s working on the old plan.
  3. Don’t buy your own materials. A builder is going to markup the cost of materials and pass that added cost on to you.
  4. Don’t live in the home. Of course, for safety precautions. But other people ignore this rule, but they have a valid reason. Remodelling can be very expensive, and moving out just add the cost. If you can’t move out on during the process of remodelling, try to schedule some time away and set up a clean, comfortable place to retreat.